October 19, 2023

Does stock market short courses really work?

很多人想要透过股市投资赚钱时,第一时间都会想要参加投资课程。但是这些所谓的投资速成班,在我们 CEO Terence Teoh 看来却远远不足。他认为投资是一门深奥的学问,绝非短短数日就能完全掌握的。究竟怎样才能算是全面且完善的股市投资教育?

Our CEO, Terence Teoh, when interviewed by ShangHai Business Media, discussed about the viability of "short courses" in stock market investing and trading.  From his point of view - short courses, although serving a purpose of its own, is not sufficient for one to master the subject.  So what does it take for such education to be really effective?
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